Welcome to KritofBlog: A Journey Through Tech and Inspiration, Showcasing the Life and Projects of Krzysztof Tomczak.

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My Journey

My Journey Through Tech and Life

KrisBlog is founded and run by a passionate tech enthusiast. My journey into the world of technology began in secondary school with an IT project assigned by my teacher. She told us that to achieve the highest grade (a 6 in the Polish education system), we had to create and describe a functioning application. I chose to develop a simple calculator, and through that process, I realized that programming was something I truly enjoyed and excelled at.
Determined to pursue this newfound passion, I dedicated myself to studying hard, with a particular focus on mathematics. This effort paid off when I qualified for the Computer Science course at De Montfort University. My time at university was filled with learning, challenges, and growth, culminating in my graduation and my first job in IT.
Each step of this journey has reinforced my love for technology and my desire to inspire others through my work and experiences.

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